Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A letter to Zach - Month 2

Dear Zach,
On Tuesday you turned 2 months old and you weigh 15 lbs 2 oz...
What a sack of potatoes you are becoming! Last month at this time, when I was writing your last letter, I wrote of transition and adjustments both emotionally and to our daily lives. This last month seemed to be more of transition on your part physically as you've added a nice little layer of padding all over and have stretched to just over 2 feet long. As I change your diapers I pinch your chubby little thighs and arms and marvel at how much weight a little baby can put on in such a short amount of time solely off of breastmilk. And at least 5 of the pounds you weigh must be in your cute little cheeks.
This month has been a busy one as you and I have started learning how to be functional together. We've gotten ourselves quite a nice little routine which couldn't make me happier - as you get older you'll learn how much your mom likes routines.
Consider this your warning.
And if you want sympathy your father is more than happy to commiserate.
Our mornings are usually spent with you in your bouncy chair while I busy myself with a shower and getting myself fed, and if I'm really lucky I get a little extra time to pick up around the house before you ask for your mid-morning snack. I try to squeeze in some tummy time - but you're not the biggest fan. It's not as though you dislike it, it's more like you just don't see the point. You might lift your head a few times, but then you rest your head down and just look around being the content little baby you are. There's no point in your just lying on your belly on the floor, so I pick you up and try again the next day.
The beginning of the month started off with you accomplishing the milestone I was most looking forward to: smiling. Nothing prepared me for the idiot I would become at the sight of your smiles. I spend SO much time in front of your little face, doing whatever I can to illicit another smile from you. You often tease me with little closed mouth smiles - but every once in a while I hit the jackpot and you reward me with a big open mouth smile coupled with kicking and squeals.
You've also learned that if I'm near and you stick your tongue out at me, I might stick my tongue back out at you. This has you quite excited, and after you've tested me a few times and I comply, you then start sticking your tongue in and out rapidly over and over again. And like the good well trained mom I am, I do it back. My reward? Big smiles with kicks and squeals.
So now that we've got the smiling milestone taken care of - I'll just have to sit tight and look forward to your next highly anticipated milestone: graduating from college.
Earlier this month I started pumping breastmilk a little bit so we could start seeing how you'd like the bottle. Don't get me wrong, I love breastfeeding you, but sometimes Mom needs to get away for a little bit so she can go to the gym, get a pedicure, or drink 3 martinis and forget her name. And as if you knew how important it was to me that I maintain at least a little bit of my alcohol tolerance you took that bottle as if it was totally normal. You took it so easily in fact, that I almost felt a little offended and jealous, as if that bottle could replace me. But I got over it. And I've successfully made it to the gym a few times now, and your Dad only looks a little crazed when I get back. That's all I ask.
I thought I'd end this post on the topic of laundry, and how I can proudly say that we are now down to doing only 2 extra loads a week now - an accomplishment that I am very happy about every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday, when I'm not busy doing more laundry. We hit this monumental achievement when you're bladder finally grew large enough that the mere opening of your diaper wasn't enough to trigger your pissing everywhere. The first few times we thought it was cute. But by the 173rd time I thought that it was getting a little old. And having to change your clothes, your new diaper (as you always manage to pee on the NEW diaper), the changing table cover, and anything that happened to be near by, was getting a little time consuming.
And I'd just like to point out here that I had NO IDEA how much pee a baby could hold. Let us pause for a moment and think about it: I would have to change your clothes, new diaper, and changing table cover. That's a lot of carnage. And this is AFTER you already wet your diaper which is why I was even taking your diaper off in the first place.
But I knew the day would come soon when you'd outgrow the habit, and sure enough here we are. I'm even so bold as to sometimes not cover your parts with a washcloth while I'm changing you. I know - SO bold.
All the love and kisses possible,


Michele said...

awww what a cute smile!

Island Girl said...

LOL... I sat on the couch and just laughed while reading the changing the diaper part of this letter. I remember all to well how frustrating changing EVERYTHING EVERY TIME can be. But Yay!! Sounds like a wonderful month.

Tiffany said...

OMG the cheeks!!!!!