Thursday, January 10, 2008

YOU take it easy...I'm going to go get things done.

When I first found out that my company, being one of the most renowned employee-focused companies in the area, grants it's expectant mothers 4 weeks of pre-maternity leave before her due date, I thought 'great! I'll have 4 weeks to get a couple things done, relax, and rest up before the baby comes.' Because I was so sure that based on what everyone was telling me, by the time I got to 36 weeks I would be sleeping all the time and only able to fit into Trevor's sweats.
Clearly I don't know myself very well.
My first day of leave began on the first working day of the year - January 2nd.
And in just one week I have accomplished exactly 417 tasks, taken a Babymoon, and defended our house from an ant-siege...all while trying to come to grips with the fact that I am having a baby in less than a month and the only symptom I'm suffering from right now is the occasional sore hip in the middle of the night.
Now I have 3 weeks until my due date, and my task list is now down to 372 items. I have yet to take a mid-day nap, and the closest I came to wearing Trevor's sweats was when I realized my gym shirts no longer cover the vastness that is my baby-bump and had to pull out one of Trevor's t-shirts to wear to the gym instead.
In short, I don't think I'm having the most conventional of pregnancies at the moment.
And please, save your comments about 'taking it easy' and 'you should get your rest now while you can', because if you know me at all, you know that's impossible for me. I take it easy when my body wants me to. Really - I don't ignore my body when it's whining and cursing me for pushing myself too hard. But if I force myself to take it easy it only serves to irritate me and only lasts about 5 minutes before I need to do something with all the energy that I somehow accrue and store in vast quantities without even realizing it.
If I could bottle it, sell it, and take long naps in the afternoon in exchange, I would.
And if I wake up tomorrow with only enough energy to go back to sleep - trust me, I will.
In the meantime, I have to say I can't complain. Things are getting done around the house like they never have. And by the time this little guy makes his appearance I will be able to lie around and snooze and cuddle with him like I should without staring at the curtains and cursing myself for the procrastination that kept me from hemming them for over a year.
Which reminds me, I was planning on hemming the bedroom curtains this morning.
Let's hope that with a little determination I can actually spend some time blogging as well.
But for right now I should probably stop sitting around at the computer and actually check a few things off my list. For starters maybe I should catch up on a few phone calls that piled up while we were out of town for a few days. A post for another day.


Michele said...

Glad to hear you are checking things off that do to list. I really can't imagine you napping all day!

Island Girl said...

YAY!!! YOU Blogged!!! Congratulations on getting so much done. I can't imagine what I would have done with so much time on my hands.. well other then move.. we did move when I had 2 wks to go :-)