Friday, November 16, 2007

Let there be heat!

As I write this there are two men downstairs in our basement installing our new furnace. In other words, I am sitting in my kitchen, tip-typing away at my computer, while someone else is cutting sheet-metal, wiring, moving heavy shit, and cursing.
I could totally get used to this.
And tonight there shall be heat!
Yes, real honest-to-god heat that will blow forth from grill-covered holes in our floors. And in the morning the house will be heated to a comfortable temperature automatically thanks to the genius invention known as the thermostat.
The prograaaaamable thermostat.
Yes - we are THAT fancy.
It gives me great pleasure to see that all the work we've been doing...all the replumbing of both gas and water, the hanging of ducting, and the constant will all finally come to fruition in one! complete! project!
Until now I was beginning to think that DIY was really short for Do-It-Yourself-And-It-Will-Take-Forever-And-You-Will-Never-


Michele said...

Horaaaaaay heat!

Sue said...

I second michele...

Sue said...

I now understand why I've been feverishly knitting little woolly things for the baby. Do you want them to arrive for the shower or before Christmas? Happy heating, Mom ;-}

Bugoff said...

And did the house breathe and angels fall from the sky when the wonderful machine kicked on for the first time? And did the house fill with smoke as did ours, necessitating the opening of all house windows to exhaust the finaly warm, yet smokey air from the house lest smoke inhalation be the end of us all?

Bugoff said...

By the way, "bugoff" is Russell's new blog name and this is Nisa somehow being misidentified.