Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Still Kicking

Someone is moving around down there – and it’s not my large intestine.
Or the small one either.
I’m not really sure what I was expecting would happen the first time I felt the baby kick. It’s always been one of those things that I was expecting would happen and was looking forward to it…
But I never had any thoughts or expectations on how I would react.
And with something like this, when there are already so many new and unusual feelings going on below your beltline, it’s hard to tell the difference between lunch digesting or a baby moving.
So it’s hard to know when you SHOULD react – or you might just be getting excited about that chicken sandwich working it’s way past your large intestine.
But last week I had felt sensations that could have just been general weird sensations that come along with being pregnant, or could be something else. Who knows really.
Then on Friday I was in the car with Trevor and felt what seemed to be most definitely a baby moving.
Just a quick nudge, and then a rub, and then it was gone.
And since that moment I have waited and waited. Pausing at the slightest sensation that MIGHT be that little nudge again.
And nothing.
Until today.
Just a little rub – that caught my attention.
And then a little tiny kick.
I think he/she was saying hi.
After 17 weeks of silence, of just being *with* each other, the baby is finally communicating.
Maybe just a kick today...regular kicking in 3 months…and then pissing you off daily in 13 years…
But it’s something to start with.
And after you’ve been pregnant for this long, it’s kind of nice to feel a little something that proves to you that you’re not alone.
And it gives you a memory to look back on fondly when they’re 14 years old and you wish that getting a kick in the stomach was fun again.

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