Thursday, July 19, 2007

Bloated and taking pictures

After overhearing much discussion at a baby shower recently on the topic of taking pictures of your belly throughout your pregnancy, I decided what the hell.
It seemed that most woman at the party hadn't - and regretted it.
And I hate it when I don't take the opportunity to learn from someone's else's mistake.
So here I am at 12 weeks:

That's right.
12 weeks exclamation point.
Now, I had apprehensions about posting a huge picture of my bloated belly on the internet. But everyone does it. And what can I say...I am such a lemming.
And this IS a blog about all things baby making.
Maybe not ALL things baby making.
Good God I had no idea I would be this big at 12 weeks.
I think I just look like I'm gassy all day long.
Here's another reason why I'm looking forward to telling everyone I'm pregnant - so everyone can stop thinking I'm just getting fat. Or have bad gas.
Poor Mary...not only is she a recovering alcoholic, but now she's putting on weight?
What a drag.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Hello Mary,

Wow! I'm still recovering from learning the news of your pregnancy, and just LOOK at you! You're enormous! This is so wonderful. To think you and Sarah are pregnant at the same time. You'll have age-peer cousins. Could a grandmother ask for more? Love, Mom