Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Letter to Zach - Month 8

Dear Zach,
A while ago you turned 8 months old and you weighed 25lbs 7oz and were 30 inches long at the time...
I started this blog on time...and then the tile came in for our bathroom floor and all things got dropped. So you can imagine the laughter that ensued as I sat down and reread the draft I had started working on a few weeks ago, specifically the following:
"The mere fact that I'm actually getting this month's entry done on time might be an indication of a few things - 1) your nap times have condensed dramatically so that rather than taking 73 thirty minute naps a day you take two 1-2 hour naps a day and 2) we've almost finished remodeling the bathroom which has freed up my time dramatically.
Oh the hilarity of it all.

I particularly like the part about having almost finished remodeling our bathroom. We've "almost" finished our bathroom now for about 2 months. This pretty much sums up the largest lesson that your momma has learned about remodeling, and construction in general - when you think you're close to done, i.e. you just have the "finish" work left, you're only halfway there. This is why so many people don't actually ever completely finish projects - they get to this part and throw in the towel because there are so many other enticing things to do with your time (read: drinking heavily) and why spend it painting baseboards or filling holes with wood filler when you already have a working toilet, sink, and tub?
But your dad and I are dedicated to seeing all our projects through to the finish. Literally. Every hole will be filled, every item painted, sealed, or stained. So ever since the tile came in I've spent every free moment when you're asleep up a ladder painting, sanding, filling, sanding, and painting. And when I'm not up the ladder I'm on my knees tiling, grouting, sealing, caulking, and more caulking.
Isn't it nice how I've spent so much of your monthly newsletter on the topic of our bathroom? A room you don't even use?
Oh my little monkey - you will use it soon if I have any say in it.
And on that's the rest of what I wrote, on time, back when you were just turning 8 months old:
This whole napping thing - oh let me tell you - has been the greatest thing. And to think, I was just writing mere months ago at how excited I was to just be able to put you down for a nap and walk away. Who would have thought I'd eventually have up to TWO HOURS to myself more than TWICE a day!?
It's insanity.
I mean, I knew there would eventually come a time where I would get a little more time to myself, that your naps would become more consistent as well as nice and looooooong. It seemed clear to me that at some point, by the time you were at least 20, I would have that luxury. So imagine my surprise when little by little your naps stretched out. As I'd be puttering around the house I would check on you, confused by how long it had been since I'd last tended to you. Eventually I would just check on you every so often to make sure you were still breathing because god knows there could be no other explanation for your sleeping for so long with out me RIGHT there next to you.
But I've adjusted. I've now learned that not only does this mean you have not stopped breathing, but it also means that a whole new world of opportunity has opened up for me. Quite timely I must say too, as we were in the throws of renovating our bathroom when all this started - it didn't take long for me to take advantage. Now while you nap during the day I spend my time drywalling, painting, tiling, and generally busying myself with lots of detailed finish work that is - quite frankly - driving me up the wall.
And to be honest?
Sometimes I look at you lying in that cozy bed and I yearn for the days of when I had the excuse that you wouldn't nap without me - just so I could go and lay there with you.
But that's only on the days when it's peaking 95 degrees and I have been up a ladder with nothing but joint compound, a drywall knife, and my sweat to keep me company.
And all this sleeping is going to good use I can see. You continue to put on weight, keeping you steadily just off the charts - you've turned into quite the little Michelin baby to be frank. And this week you worked on two more teeth. Bringing us to the grand total of 8 teeth.
I think you're going to be eating corn on the cob before you start walking at this rate. Although, that being said, you're still not the hottest about eating solid foods. We still try new things, and you continue to humor me one or two bites. But even your favorites you're not that excited about. Most of the time you look at me as if to say "what is this? why are you shoving this stuff in my face? I'm a boob-man mom, would you just accept it?
Like with all things parenting I stay patient about it, keep persisting, and assume that one day you will suddenly figure out that this whole eating solids thing is pretty damn cool.
And then we will go broke feeding you.
All the love and kisses possible,

1 comment:

Michele said...

Yay finally! Just in time to start writing about month 9!