Thursday, February 14, 2008

The view makes all the difference

I am typing two handed this morning because I've learned a valuable thing...sometimes all a baby needs is a change of scenery to stop crying.
When Zach was about a week old we broke out the bouncy chair, put him in it, and set it on vibrate. Much to our delight we found that he could be occupied like this for about 30 minutes - enough time for me to take a quick shower and eat breakfast in the morning, completely independent of Trevor. So for the past 2 weeks I've been putting Zach in his chair just outside the bathroom door and enjoyed a shower and then breakfast while he kicks and makes cooing noises. This all works out rather well as I can see him from the kitchen table through the bedroom door, and he usually starts fussing right as I'm clearing my dishes.
This morning I was feeling a little ballsy and decided to blow dry my hair, which meant that about halfway through breakfast Zach started fussing.
Rather than scoop him up to feed him as I normally do, I decided to experiment - because that's all child rearing really is as it turns out: a big experiment. I picked up Zach while still in his bouncy seat - something I'm sure the manufacturer warns against - and set him down in the kitchen with me.
And just like that he was back to cooing and kicking like before.
And he's still cooing and kicking as I'm typing - because this change of scenery just bought me another 30 minutes it would seem.
I wonder if a move to the living room would buy me another 30...


Michele said...

I see you are back to your multitasking ways already! :) Glad you found a way to buy yourself some hands free time!

Island Girl said...

LOL.. you are very Lucky... Chris isn't much into sitting in his swing no matter what direction he is facing.

Tiffany said...

Awesome discovery! Now you'll be documenting your life in 30 minute intervals... :D