Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A Letter to Zach - Month 5

Dear Zach,
Um, a couple weeks ago (ahem) you turned 5 months old and you weighed 21lbs 13oz and were 27.5 inches long...
It seems that your growing like a weed status has tapered off a bit and now you're growing at a much more manageable pace. Although this didn't really happen until you graduated on to size 12 months in clothing.
Now that I've said that you'll start another growth spurt tomorrow and I'll eat my words.
As I'm writing this you're rolling around in your play yard while sucking your fingers which brings me to one of the most exciting monuments you accomplished last month - rolling over! It had been a while since I had forced tummy time on you one afternoon, so I decided that while we had some free time I would put you down on your belly and make you get a little much needed belly wallowing done. No sooner had I placed you on your belly did you promptly push up so your chest was actually off of the ground and then you toppled to one side and rolled over.
Like you had done this every day for the past month.
I nearly fell over.
I rolled you back over again and watched as you repeated the same exersize again - flawlessly. It was as if you had learned how to remedy you mother's nasty habit of putting you down face down - just roll over! I then got out the video camera, rolled you over so you were on your belly again, and you started bawling until I picked you up. So I basically have footage of you crying on your stomach. But I think I got some footage later in the day of you rolling over so I'll have to dig around and post that once I find it.
While your growth has slowed down a little bit that still hasn't saved us from having to upgrade to a larger means of bathing you. I've picked up a little inflatable tub that seems to be doing quite well and you seem much happier in it with the additional wiggle room. I'm also pleased that I didn't have to worry about torching our old tub in order to satisfy myself that it was sterile enough. Which as it turns out wouldn't have mattered as your dad demolished the upstairs bathroom a few weeks ago and there is nothing more than studs, sub-flooring, and a toilet in the upstairs bath. So we spend our bath time these days downstairs in our new fancy bathroom that your dad and I built with our own two hands. Quite handy your parents are as it turns out.
In addition to your rolling around you have also met the milestone of grabbing your feet and occasionally shoving them in your mouth. Which is just about the cutest thing I've ever seen.
Although just about everything you do is the cutest thing ever.
This is how it works. I am your mother - therefore everything you do is adorable to me.
Except for tantrums. But I have yet to deal with that yet.
As it turns out, this whole foot-grabbing trick of yours is one of the handiest things ever because you are endlessly amused by your feet. I can put you down and the second you get cranky I'll just hand you a foot and you'll be totally distracted. Many times I have been able to put you down to take care of something in the other room and I'll hear you crowing and babbling at your toes. It's like you have this little audience cheering you on - you never feel lonely anymore.
All the love and kisses possible,


Tiffany said...

Aw Daisy looks confused as to why SHE isn't the center of attention in that photo! Ha!

Michele said...

True, she isn't used to that.

Hope you are working on month SIX so you won't be too far behind! :) There is still time to finish it on time!

hannah m said...

Happy 5 months, Sweet Zachary!

Michele said...

Lady, you are way behind. At this rate, by the time you get around to the 6 month post it'll be time for the 7 month post!